19 sentyabr 2024
3 day ago
Orbán's family company makes millions of euros on China's Belt and Road project, the Budapest-Belgrade railway reconstruction, selling overpriced railway stone from the family's mine in Gánt to the construction, internal docs obtained by @444hu show
6 day ago
Orban: Hungary will not become an immigrant country, no matter what Brussels does
New poll shows opposition leader Péter Magyar's Respect and Freedom (TISZA) party polling 39 percent against the 43 percent of PM Orbán's ruling Fidesz-KDNP coalition among decided voters (25 against 30 percent among all adult citizens)1 week ago
New poll shows opposition leader Péter Magyar's Respect and Freedom (TISZA) party polling 39 percent against the 43 percent of PM Orbán's ruling Fidesz-KDNP coalition among decided voters (25 against 30 percent among all adult citizens)
Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto arrived in Yerevan.
Today, elected representatives were denied access to Hungary’s parliament by Speaker of the Hungarian National Assembly László Kövér. U.S. Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman stated: “It is beyond extraordinary to see elected members of a European Union member state’s parliament denied access to parliament itself because they wish to discuss human rights. Denying a meeting space within the parliament to elected representatives of that body raises serious and concerning questions.”2 week ago
Today, elected representatives were denied access to Hungary’s parliament by Speaker of the Hungarian National Assembly László Kövér. U.S. Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman stated: “It is beyond extraordinary to see elected members of a European Union member state’s parliament denied access to parliament itself because they wish to discuss human rights. Denying a meeting space within the parliament to elected representatives of that body raises serious and concerning questions.”
The Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs, on the occasion of his visit to Romania, visits the chairman of the RMDSZ, Mr. Kelemen Hunor, and agitates in favor of the Hungarian minority party in the elections. He points out that only elections will enable the RMDSZ to return to government
Macarıstanın xarici işlər naziri Szijarto "Qazprom"un baş direktoru ilə görüşüb
Macarıstanın xarici işlər naziri Sziyarto enerji təchizatını təmin etmək üçün Rusiyanın Sankt-Peterburq şəhərinə səfər edib.2 week ago
Macarıstanın xarici işlər naziri Sziyarto "enerji təchizatını təmin etmək üçün" Rusiyanın Sankt-Peterburq şəhərinə səfər edib.
3 week ago
Macarıstanın xarici işlər naziri: Biz Ukraynanın Rusiyaya zərbə endirmək üçün uzaqmənzilli silahlardan istifadə etməsinə qarşıyıq
3 week ago
FM Péter Szijjártó announced on Facebook that he will advocate for a bolder and more decisive stance by the European Union on the situation in Venezuela during the upcoming Council of Foreign Ministers meeting. After speaking with María Corina Machado, leader of the Venezuelan opposition, FM Szijjártó emphasized the importance of respecting sovereignty, freedom, free elections, and democratic values. "I assured her that I would push for a stronger and more character-driven position from the EU on the developments in Venezuela," Minister Szijjártó stated, highlighting Hungary's historical commitment to the fight for freedom and sovereignty
Blinken today: “Hungary was welcomed into NATO because of its commitment to a democratic future. That commitment, like the deep bonds between our people, should be protected and form the bedrock of Hungary-United States relations.”
1 month ago
Hungary relaxed regulations governing its sole nuclear power plant, giving it the option to operate at full capacity even if the cooling water released back into the Danube river exceeds temperature limits
1 month ago
Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó called Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz on Monday and told him that Iran informed Hungary earlier today that it is going to attack Israel in response to the assassination of the head of Hamas' political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, according to senior Israeli officials
1 month ago
Hungary says Croatia 'unreliable' when it comes to oil transit
"We wouldn’t allow Chinese policemen to patrol the streets of Warsaw, but everyone perceives their sovereignty as they see fit" – @radeksikorski to @VisegradInsight's @wprzybylski on Viktor Orbán's decision enabling Chinese policemen to patrol in Hungary
1 month ago
The head of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Peter Szijjarto, wrote that Poland accuses Hungary of importing oil from Russia, while it itself does the same. This is another unfriendly statement. On Saturday, Viktor Orban called the Polish government's policy "hypocritical"
1 month ago
Hungary quietly took out a €1 billion loan from Chinese banks
Macarıstanın xarici işlər naziri Buxarestdə: Bolqarıstan neft məhsullarını Macarıstana çatdırmağı təklif edib
Verdict by the EU-Commission on Hungary in this years 'rule of law report': "No progress."
Macarıstanın altı aylıq AB sədrliyinin davranışına reaksiya olaraq, Aİ-nin xarici siyasət rəhbəri Borrell gələn ay Budapeştdə keçiriləcək qeyri-rəsmi xarici işlər nazirliyinin Brüsseldə keçiriləcəyini bəyan edib. O deyir ki, bunun nəticələri olmalıdır
Macarıstanın xarici işlər naziri Péter Szijyarto, Macarıstan və Slovakiyanın neft tədarükünü dayandırmaq üçün Ukraynaya qarşı Aİ ilə məsləhətləşmə prosesinin başladığını açıqladı. Brüsseldə çıxışı zamanı o vurğulayıb ki, Ukraynanın qərarı hər iki ölkənin "Drujba" boru kəməri ilə Rusiya neftindən çox asılı olduğunu nəzərə alsaq, onların enerji təhlükəsizliyini təhlükə altına qoyur.
Macarıstan Xarici İşlər Nazirliyinin rəhbəri deyib ki, o, Lavrovla BMT Təhlükəsizlik Şurası çərçivəsində görüşməyi gözləyir; səhər saatlarında Çin Xarici İşlər Nazirliyinin rəhbəri ilə telefonla danışıb
The European Commission has decided to boycott Hungary's EU Council presidency in response to Viktor Orbán’s controversial trips to Moscow and Beijing
2 month ago
Ukrayna Prezidenti: Macarıstanın baş nazirinin Rusiyaya səfəri səhv idi
The German Foreign Ministry on Hungary's rotating presidency of the European Union: Hungary caused great damage during only 12 days of its presidency of the Union
Financial Times: Orban və Putin arasında görüşə görə Macarıstanı Avropa İttifaqı Şurasının sədri vəzifəsindən məhrum etmək təklifləri
Trump will meet with Hungary's Viktor Orban in Florida on Thursday, per sources
2 month ago
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's new alliance of far-right parties, the Patriots for Europe, has been formally founded as a political group in the European Parliament, representatives say
Çin prezidenti: Ukraynada tezliklə atəşkəs və siyasi həll bütün tərəflərin maraqlarına xidmət edər
Macarıstanın baş naziri Pekindən: Rusiya-Ukrayna müharibəsində sülh üçün şərait yaradan əsas qüvvə Çindir