2 iyul 2024
2 month ago
Tens of thousands of Hungarians, led by former gov insider Péter Magyar, protested against Orbán's leadership today
Thousands gathered near Prosecutor General's office in Budapest Tuesday evening at the call of Péter Magyar. We won't allow the biggest legal and political scandal of the last thirty years to be hushed up, he said in his speech. Photo: Lujza Hevesi-Szabó / Telex3 month ago
Thousands gathered near Prosecutor General's office in Budapest Tuesday evening at the call of Péter Magyar. "We won't allow the biggest legal and political scandal of the last thirty years to be hushed up," he said in his speech. Photo: Lujza Hevesi-Szabó / Telex
After meeting Alexei Likhachev, the head of Russian nuclear energy company Rosatom, in Sochi, FM Péter Szijjártó said the upgrade of Hungary's nuclear power plant in Paks will stand as a "long-term guarantee" of Hungary's competitiveness
3 month ago
Macarıstanın Xarici İşlər Nazirliyi Peter Szijyarto Atomexpo forumunda iştirak edəcək Rusiyaya səfər edib.
3 month ago
European Parliament to sue EU-Commission over released funds for Hungary. (Vote in Legal Affairs Committee: 16 /1-). Response to Von der Leyen unlocking 10bn for Orban in exchange for his veto
3 month ago
Hungary will oppose Mark Rutte’s NATO candidacy, foreign minister says
4 month ago
Kremlin sözçüsü Macarıstanın baş naziri Orbanın Rusiya ilə birgə sərhəddən qorxmasının əsassız olduğunu bildirib
4 month ago
Macarıstan İsveçin NATO-ya daxil olmaq təklifini ratifikasiya edib
"We don't agree on everything," Swedish PM Kristersson says, standing next to his Hungarian counterpart, but he says Sweden and Hungary have agreed on deepening cooperation as they will "soon be allies." Stockholm expects parliamentary/govt approval Monday for NATO accession
Iran and Hungary foreign ministers are now meeting in Tehran
4 month ago
Hungary to vote on Swedish NATO bid on Monday, says ruling party— AFP
4 month ago
Macarıstanın xarici işlər naziri: Avropa İttifaqı Rusiyaya qarşı yeni sanksiyalar paketi qəbul etməklə öz yanlış strategiyasını davam etdirir
More than 50,000 people at a major protest against the Hungarian govt, organised by content creators and artists in Budapest this evening, following the child-abuse pardon scandal that led to President Katalin Novák's resignation4 month ago
More than 50,000 people at a major protest against the Hungarian govt, organised by content creators and artists in Budapest this evening, following the child-abuse pardon scandal that led to President Katalin Novák's resignation
4 month ago
Rally at Budapest, Heroes' Square, now
Orbán has broken his silence. “The government is working.”4 month ago
Orbán has broken his silence. “The government is working.”
4 month ago
Péter Magyar, Judit Varga's ex-husband and until recently a government insider, is giving a dramatic live interview, with over 31,000 people watching. He's focusing his critique on Antal Rogán, a powerful minister some see as an éminence grise
4 month ago
Katalin Novák, the Hungarian president, has resigned. And Judit Varga, who was supposed to lead the Fidesz list in the European election, is leaving public life
4 month ago
Hungarian President Katalin Novák has resigned under pressure over a sex-abuse case. Novak announced her resignation on Saturday after coming under mounting pressure for pardoning a man convicted as an accomplice for helping cover up a sex abuse case in a children’s home.
Hundreds of people in Hungary protest against President Katalin Novak's pardon of a man accused of covering up a child abuse case4 month ago
Hundreds of people in Hungary protest against President Katalin Novak's pardon of a man accused of covering up a child abuse case
4 month ago
U.S. Ambassador to Hungary: Representatives of 16 NATO Allies attended today’s extraordinary session of Hungary’s Parliament to consider Sweden’s NATO accession. Not in attendance: a single member of Hungary’s ruling party
Orbán’s MPs didn’t show up in Hungary’s parliament to vote on’s NATO accession - no quorum, no vote4 month ago
Orbán’s MPs didn’t show up in Hungary’s parliament to vote on’s NATO accession - no quorum, no vote
4 month ago
Pedophilia cover-up scandal hits Hungary, and the opposition is calling for the resignation of President @KatalinNovak_HU. This comes after revelations that she pardoned a pedophile’s accomplice who helped cover up his boss’ sexual abuse of children at an orphanage
5 month ago
Orban: We made a compromise proposal. In return, we were blackmailed by Brussels. The Brussels blackmail manual was published in the @FT earlier this week. The cat is out of the bag. Forget about the rule of law, Hungary is blackmailed for having a it’s own opinion on migration, the war in Ukraine and genderpropaganda. We will defend our interests. Hungary cannot be blackmailed
Macarıstanın xarici işlər naziri Sijarto Ukraynanın xarici işlər naziri Kuleba və Ukrayna prezidentinin ofisinin rəhbəri Yermak ilə görüşmək üçün Ujqorod şəhərinə səfər edib.5 month ago
Macarıstanın xarici işlər naziri Sijarto Ukraynanın xarici işlər naziri Kuleba və Ukrayna prezidentinin ofisinin rəhbəri Yermak ilə görüşmək üçün Ujqorod şəhərinə səfər edib.
@FT tərəfindən Budapeştin iqtisadi zəifliklərini və onlardan necə istifadə ediləcəyini göstərən gizli daxili sənədə görə, Brüssel, Viktor Orban bu həftə Ukraynaya 50 milyard avroluq yardım paketini bloklayacağı təqdirdə Macarıstan iqtisadiyyatını sabotaj etmək planı hazırlayıb.
5 month ago
Orbán’s number two and parliament speaker László Kövér says that he himself opposes Sweden’s NATO accession and hints that Fidesz MPs won’t support the opposition’s proposal for an extraordinary parliamentary session on the ratification
Aİ səfirləri bu gün AP ilə Ukraynaya 50 milyardlıq yardım paketi ilə bağlı danışıqlara başlamaq üçün qismən yaşıl işıq yandırıblar. Fevralın 1-də keçiriləcək AB sammitində tam yaşıl işıq yanacaq, Macarıstan indiyə qədər maneə törətməyib
MEP Petri Sarvamaa: Launched a historic petition, which, if successful, will allow Mr Orban to be deprived of the right to vote in the Council. This is decisively different from anything we have done so far regarding HU – the procedure foreseen in Article 7(2) TEU has never been initiated5 month ago
MEP Petri Sarvamaa: Launched a historic petition, which, if successful, will allow Mr Orban to be deprived of the right to vote in the Council. This is decisively different from anything we have done so far regarding HU – the procedure foreseen in Article 7(2) TEU has never been initiated
6 month ago
Szijarto: Hungary vetoes Sofia's entry into Schengen unless it abolishes the gas transit tax
Baş nazir @PM_ViktorOrban Ukraynaya yardımın qarşısını almasını belə izah edir: "Ukraynada vəziyyət pisdir. Ona görə də biz müharibəni maliyyələşdirmək üçün daha çox pul göndərməməliyik, əksinə, müharibəni bitirməli, atəşkəs və sülh danışıqları aparmalıyıq".