Podnestersko teraz dostáva ruský plyn – cez Maďarsko a Moldavsko, zaplatené z ruských pôžičkových peňazí. 14. februára neznámy región zmenil dodávateľské trasy: plyn prichádza cez maďarskú spoločnosť cez Moldovagaz, financovaný Moskvou. Podnesterský vodca Vadim Krasnoselskij poďakoval Rusku za jeho „podporu v ťažkej energetickej situácii
2 Týždeň PredAbascal, Le Pen, Salvini and Orban proclaim from Madrid their brotherhood with Trump: "High fences make good neighbors"
Maďarský premiér Orbán pohrozil, že bude vetovať sankcie Európskej únie voči Rusku, keď sa majú obnoviť o šesť mesiacov, ak sa Ukrajine dovtedy nepodarí obnoviť tranzit ruského plynu
US Secretary of State Marco Rubio has pledged to review penalties the Biden administration imposed on Hungary, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said after holding talks with his US counterpart
1 Mesiac PredZelenskyj: "USA, Maďarsko, Slovensko a Nemecko sú proti nášmu členstvu v NATO."
Ukrajinské MZV v reakcii na maďarské vyhlásenia, že ukrajinské rozhodnutie zastaviť tranzit plynu náhle ovplyvnilo zákazníkov z EÚ: Ak sa Maďarsko bude chcieť pripojiť k Rusku, SNŠ alebo ODKB, Ukrajina bude rada, že sa uvoľní v EÚ a NATO
US Treasury OFAC is sanctioning Antal Rogan, a senior Hungarian government official, "for his involvement in corruption in Hungary."
Hungarian Foreign Minister: We will not give up cooperation with Russia in the energy sector
2 Mesiac PredOrbán hints at granting political asylum to more Polish fugitives. He said it twice, the second time when he was asked about Daniel Obajtek: "He's an MEP, so it's not an issue. But in general it is true that we have to face up to the fact that there may still be cases like this."
The Hungarian ambassador received a protest note from the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in connection with the decision to grant political asylum to M. Romanowski. He was also informed about the decision of Minister @sikorskiradek to summon the Polish Ambassador in Budapest for consultations in Poland,- @MSZ Spokesperson Paweł Wroński
2 Mesiac PredHungary’s government is in advanced talks with Chinese rail giant CRRC to purchase trains, locomotives, and signaling systems on a large scale, while ending cooperation with European firms like Siemens, Stadler, and Alstom
Hungary grants Poland's former Deputy Justice Minister, Marcin Romanowski, political asylum
Prezident Zelenskyj na Európskej rade komentoval Putinov návrh uskutočniť súboj medzi protivzdušnou obranou a „Oreshnikom" na nejakom mieste v Kyjeve: „Myslíte si, že by to mohol navrhnúť rozumný človek". Tiež hovorí, že nikto nepovolil Viktora Orbána, aby bol sprostredkovateľom v rozhovoroch s Ruskom, a nemôže byť taký, ako má veľmi vrúcny vzťah s Putinom
Ukrajinské ministerstvo zahraničia označilo budapeštianske „mierotvorné" vyhlásenia za mimo realitu a vyzvalo maďarských predstaviteľov, aby prestali manipulovať s témou rusko-ukrajinskej vojny.
EU foreign policy chief Kaja Kallas said Monday Brussels had put forward a list of Georgians to sanction over a crackdown on pro-Western protesters, but Hungary was set to block the measures
Kremeľ: Putin a Orbán v telefonáte diskutovali o situácii na Ukrajine
Hungary's FM Szijjarto told RIA Novosti that he discussed sanctions against Gazprombank in Istanbul with colleagues from a number of countries, including Russia
3 Mesiac PredIran's Foreign Ministry has summoned the ambassador to Hungary, the rotating president of the EU, to protest the latest EU and UK sanctions against Iranian entities and individuals including Iran's shipping line over alleged ballistic missile supplies to Russia
3 Mesiac PredHungarian opposition leader Péter Magyar compared supermarket prices in Poland and Hungary, finding that Hungary is 20-35% more expensive (~100 HUF = 1 PLN). Hungary also has the highest VAT rate in the EU at 27%, including on fruits and veggies. In Poland, that's 5% (used to be 0)
"Hungary's government believes China's investments will offer a lifeline to an economy facing severe challenges that have placed it among the weakest performers in the EU. Hungary is now in recession, with GDP falling by 0.7 per cent in the third quarter
Maďarský minister zahraničia: EÚ nebude schopná podporiť Ukrajinu sama, po Trumpovom víťazstve bude musieť zmeniť prístup
Maďarský premiér: Trump ukončí americkú podporu Ukrajine
3 Mesiac PredUkrajinský prezident Zelenskyj sa v Budapešti stretol s francúzskym prezidentom Macronom, britským premiérom Starmerom, generálnym tajomníkom NATO Ruttem, tiež so znovuzvolenou prezidentkou Moldavska Maiou Sandu a ďalšími
3 Mesiac PredCypriot President Nikos Christodoulides meets Erdogan in Budapest
3 Mesiac PredLavrov holds talks with Hungarian Foreign Minister Szijjarto
Hungary summons Swedish ambassador over Swedish PM's comments regarding PM Orban's visit to Georgia - Foreign Ministry
3 Mesiac PredFootage shows Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban leaving his hotel in Tbilisi, near the Georgian parliament where tens of thousands gather right now to protest election rigging, as he was met with loud boos from the crowd on his way to his escort
4 Mesiac PredThe first reliable poll showing Péter Magyar's TISZA party leading over Orbán's Fidesz
Gazprom: Podpísané memorandum o možnom zvýšení dodávok ruského plynu do Maďarska
.@EU_Commission has decided to refer Hungary's law on the protection of sovereignty to the @EUCourtPress. However, it is not asking the court for interim measures, which means that it does not request a suspension of the law until a decision is taken, @nepszava reports