29 Setembro 2024
1 year atrás
O ministro das Relações Exteriores da Hungria, Szijjarto, chegou a Moscou, planeja discutir a cooperação energética com Novak e Likhachev
1 year atrás
Hungarian parliament approves Finland's Nato membership
FM @Haavisto: Good meeting with FM Szijjarto in Brussels. He confirmed that Hungary will approve Finland's NATO bid on 27 March. Thanked him for regular discussions throughout the process
1 year atrás
Finland's Foreign Minister Haavisto announced in Ankara today that he plans to meet his Hungarian counterpart Peter Szijjarto in Brussels at the next FAC on 20.3
.@Europarl_EN adopted a resolution on Belarus on Wednesday, which – among others – states that the EP deplores the February trip to Minsk by Hungarian MFA Péter Szijjártó. The EP stresses the importance of "diplomatic isolation of the current government"
Emmanuel Macron receives Victor Orban at the Élysée to discuss "unity" against Moscow
1 year atrás
The Hungarian government has been postponing the vote for over six months. Both Orbán and the President have asked the MPs to approve the accession, but some MP's need more convincing
O chanceler húngaro Peter Szijjarto está viajando para a Bielorrússia1 year atrás
O chanceler húngaro Peter Szijjarto está viajando para a Bielorrússia
1 year atrás
O Ministério das Relações Exteriores da Ucrânia convocará o embaixador da Hungria depois que o primeiro-ministro húngaro, Viktor Orban, chamou a Ucrânia de terra de ninguém e a comparou ao Afeganistão, disse o porta-voz do Ministério das Relações Exteriores da Ucrânia, Oleh Nikolenko
Hungarian govt announces end of cap price on fuel in Hungary from tonight. Minister blames Brussels and EU cap on oil prices. Fixed price was 480 HUF/liter (1.16 euro) since Nov. 1, 2021. Market price will be 40/50% higher and will further boost inflation1 year atrás
Hungarian govt announces end of cap price on fuel in Hungary from tonight. Minister blames Brussels and EU cap on oil prices. Fixed price was 480 HUF/liter (1.16 euro) since Nov. 1, 2021. Market price will be 40/50% higher and will further boost inflation
1 year atrás
Orban: Hungary remains against the global minimum tax
1 year atrás
Hungary will seek to 'convince' EU commission not to suspend funds over rule of law concerns: govt
1 year atrás
O Ministério das Relações Exteriores da Ucrânia convocou o Embaixador da Hungria para protestar contra o cachecol Orban que mostra parte da Ucrânia como território húngaro
Helsinque: PM da Finlândia @MarinSanna diz que as ações da Rússia na Ucrânia não ficarão impunes PM polonês @MorawieckiM -devemos atingir a Rússia com mais força do que ela poderia esperar Também aponta para a ampliação da OTAN nós -como o formato V4 -estaremos pedindo Viktor Orban pela rápida ratificação1 year atrás
Helsinque: PM da Finlândia @MarinSanna diz que as ações da Rússia na Ucrânia "não ficarão impunes" PM polonês @MorawieckiM -"devemos atingir a Rússia com mais força do que ela poderia esperar" Também aponta para a ampliação da OTAN "nós -como o formato V4 -estaremos pedindo Viktor Orban pela rápida ratificação"
1 year atrás
Hungria MOL diz ter recebido notificação da Ucrânia de que a estação de energia perto do oleoduto Druzhba, na Ucrânia, perto da fronteira com a Bielorrússia, foi atingida por um foguete russo
1 year atrás
Hungria MOL diz que foi notificado pela Ucrânia de que o fornecimento de petróleo para a Hungria, Eslováquia e República Tcheca através do oleoduto Druzhba foi temporariamente suspenso - declaração por e-mail
1 year atrás
Em resposta à interrupção da transferência de petróleo através do oleoduto Druzhba e do território da Polônia atingido por mísseis, @PM_ViktorOrban convocou o Conselho de Defesa da Hungria para as 20h.
Hungarian Foreign minister Szijjártó said he clashed with Lithianian, German and Luxembourgish FM's in Brussels as the Lithianian FM @GLandsbergis accused him of spreading Russian narratives when opposing EU sanctions. "I asked my colleagues not to spread lies" - Szijjártó said
1 year atrás
Turkey and Hungary's defence ministers on Monday initialled an agreement on establishing the legal conditions for future military cooperation
Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs visiting Moscow. We want an immediate ceasefire and peace negotiations, and provide Hungary with energy supplies not only for this winter, but also for the coming years, he wrote. Photo Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs1 year atrás
Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs visiting Moscow. "We want an immediate ceasefire and peace negotiations, and provide Hungary with energy supplies not only for this winter, but also for the coming years," he wrote. Photo Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
1 year atrás
Viktor Orbán's MPs voted NO on the opposition's proposal to hold a parliamentary vote on the Finland and SwedenSweden NATO accession tomorrow
2 year atrás
O primeiro-ministro da Hungria, Orban, diz que as sanções da UE contra a Rússia "devem ser descartadas".
Hungary's Indotek acquires Sberbank's 43% stake in Croatia's Fortenova, the agro-giant created after the near bankruptcy of retailer Agrokor
2 year atrás
O regulador nuclear da Hungria concedeu uma licença de construção para dois novos reatores na usina nuclear de Paks, que serão construídos pela russa Rosatom
An FBI wanted criminal has been arrested in Budapest. He is believed to be the member of a gang that kidnapped and injected a couple with lethal virus in the US2 year atrás
An FBI wanted criminal has been arrested in Budapest. He is believed to be the member of a gang that kidnapped and injected a couple with lethal virus in the US
2 year atrás
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Tuesday spoke with Aleksandar Vucic, the Serbian president by phone
PM Viktor Orbán's long-time adviser, Zsuzsa Hegedüs resigns, telling his boss in a letter that I don't know how you didn't notice that you were turning your earlier anti-migrant and anti-Europeanism into a pure Nazi speech worthy of Goebbels2 year atrás
PM Viktor Orbán's long-time adviser, Zsuzsa Hegedüs resigns, telling his boss in a letter that "I don't know how you didn't notice that you were turning your earlier anti-migrant and anti-Europeanism into a pure Nazi speech worthy of Goebbels"
2 year atrás
Hungarian Foreign Minister is on a visit to Moscow, - the embassy said
2 year atrás
This is how much the traditional #fireworks show in #Budapest on 20th August will cost this year flag-huflag-hu fireworks money_with_wings #dailynewshungary #event #money #. -
2 year atrás
Orban: Sanctions imposed on Russia brought victory to China and damage to Europe