2 rok temuUE wszczęła procedurę praworządności przeciwko Węgrom: von der Leyen
Zełenski o Orbanie: „Zadzwoniłem do niego, zaprosiłem, zaproponowałem spotkanie. Na pewno bał się. Mógł to potraktować jako zniewagę i powiedzieć: „Nikogo się nie boję". On boi się Rosji wpływ na jego stan, ten wpływ istnieje, czy tego chce, czy nie
Several people killed as a pick-up truck crashes into a train in southern Hungary, derailing carriages, police say
In his victory speech, the Hungarian Prime Minister criticized the Brussels bureaucracy and Ukrainian President Zelensky, calling him an "opponent"
With 98.96% of the vote counted, the party list vote: Fidesz-KDNP 53.1% United opposition 35.04 Mi Hazánk 6.17 Seat projection: Fidesz-KDNP 135 United opposition 56 Mi Hazánk 7 MNOÖ 1
Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban has declared victory in national elections, claiming mandate for a fourth term
Preliminary results show a comfortable Fidesz lead in both the national party list votes (46-39) and in most single member constituencies (87-19), while the far-right Mi Hazánk has a chance of making it into Parliament. - reports Telex
2 rok temu3pm turnout in Hungary. Polls close at 7pm
2 rok temuBIG day for Hungary (L) outgoing parl, mostly fptp system delivered a 2/3 Fidesz maj; (R) now oppo has united, should win all of Budapest & many cities, but needs to flip all swing seats marked (number shows who's in front acc to a pollster yesterday) (maps @hvg_hu) #hungaryelections
2 rok temuHungary: spy camera and mic found in the office of a close colleague of opposition mayor Laszlo Csozik (in Erd, a suburb of Budapest)
.@direkt36 reveals that Orbán's foreign ministry has been compromised by an ongoing Russian cyberespionage campaign. They even hacked the encrypted channel also transmitting confidential NATO & EU material
Polish President Duda just said in a TVN24 interview that Orban's policy of avoiding to step on Putin's toes will prove "very costly for Hungary"
2 rok temuInwazja Putina na Ukrainę na dłuższą metę zmieniła naszą rzeczywistość bezpieczeństwa, mówi sekretarz generalny Stoltenberg. Na dłuższą metę resetujemy odstraszanie i obronę NATO. Szczyt NATO zatwierdza rozmieszczenie 4 nowych grup bojowych w Bułgarii / na Węgrzech / w Rumunii / Słowacji
Minister obrony Chorwacji potwierdza, że dron z czasów sowieckich, który rozbił się w pobliżu Zagrzebia, zawierał materiały wybuchowe. Wkrótce czarna skrzynka określi miejsce jej powstania. Przeleciał przez Rumunię i Węgry przed lądowaniem w Chorwacji – wszystkich 3 krajach NATO
Hungarian Airforce intercepted the drone - fighter jets followed it trough Hungarian airspace - they did not shot it because they considered it was harmless - Hungarian Foreign minister said of a 6 tons military drone that crashed near Zagreb
Boris Johnson told this to journalists after hosting V4 Prime Ministers for talks on #UkraineRussiaWar 'Viktor has made it very clear that he represents a common position on sanctions policy, thereby contributing to Putin's downfall.'
2 rok temu2 B-52s up over Hungary
The Elysee: a wave of immigration may hit Poland, Hungary, Romania and the Baltic States
President Zelensky:Phone conversations with partners continue. Briefed Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on the security situation in the region. We agreed to make joint efforts for a peaceful settlement
Hungary defense ministry says the country will deploy some troops near its border with Ukraine, in part to prepare for humanitarian work
Israel is preparing a contingency plan for opening an alternative diplomatic mission in Lviv in Western Ukraine and for evacuating Israeli citizens by land via Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Moldova & Romania. Initial talks with these countries have already taken place
Hungary has blocked Ukraine's accession to NATO's cyber center CCDCOE
Jens Stoltenberg: Good to speak again to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of Hungary about the crisis created by Russia's military buildup in & around Ukraine. North America & Europe stand united in NATO. All Allies agree on the importance of dialogue & strong deterrence and defence
Orbán has raised his voice in Moscow against the EU's Russia sanctions policy: "Sanctions policies did not bring the desired effect in the case of Russia at all" - he said as if he had forgotten that he had also approved all of those sanctions in Brussels
Putin holds a meeting with the Hungarian prime minister. Orban said that none of the European leaders wants war: we are in favor of peace agreements
US has approached Hungary about temporary troop deployment, says Hungarian FM. Hungary "received an American request about temporary deployment of troops" in the country, FM Peter Szijjarto said Friday. Defense Ministry is conducting talks on the matter
Minister spraw zagranicznych Ivan Korcok potwierdził, że NATO rozważa rozmieszczenie posiłków na Słowacji. Decyzja nie została jeszcze podjęta. Sky News poinformował w czwartek, że 1000 żołnierzy może zostać wysłanych do Rumunii, Bułgarii, Węgier i Słowacji. (Źródło: TASR)
Counselor of the Department of State Derek Chollet: Called Hungarian State Secretary Péter Sztáray to discuss our diplomatic efforts to de-escalate the tension caused by Russia's military build-up and continued aggression against Ukraine. We also spoke about Hungary's contributions to @NATO and our military & security cooperation
Viktor Orban joins @Santi_ABASCAL and @MorawieckiM at the summit of conservative party leaders this weekend in Madrid, MTI writes
Pożar w szpitalu w Budapeszcie. Jedna osoba nie żyje, ewakuacja pacjentów