19 Îlon 2024
2 month ago
The situation in Hungary deteriorated so much this week with moves against Transparency International Hungary and investigative outlet Átlátszó that US Ambassador Pressman warned today: "As it assumes its EU Council presidency, Hungary's actions make 2024 feel more like 1984."
3 month ago
Viktor Orbán on the 216 million EUR fine issued by @EUCourtPress for not following asylum laws: this judgement has been delivered by the court of George Soros” He also promised to find a way how to find a solution that would “hurt them more than it hurts us.”
Dadgeha bilind a YE dibêje, Macaristan dê neçar be 200 mîlyon euro cezayê pereyan bide ji bo cîbicîkirina tedbîrên pêwîst di siyaseta xwe ya koçberiyê de ku bi biryara sala 2020 ve hatî xwestin, û her roj 1 mîlyon Euro cezayê pereyan bide heta ku ew bi tevahî wan bicîh bîne.
Sekreterê Giştî yê NATOyê Stoltenberg ji serokwezîr Orban re careke din piştrast kir ku Budapest ne mecbûr e ku bi ti awayî beşdarî parastina Ukraynayê bibe. Stoltenberg dibêje Orban razî bûye ku 31 kesên din asteng neke. Armanca sereke ya serdana Stoltenberg ev bû.3 month ago
Sekreterê Giştî yê NATOyê Stoltenberg ji serokwezîr Orban re careke din piştrast kir ku Budapest ne mecbûr e ku bi ti awayî beşdarî parastina Ukraynayê bibe. Stoltenberg dibêje Orban razî bûye ku 31 kesên din asteng neke. Armanca sereke ya serdana Stoltenberg ev bû.
3 month ago
Serokê Letonya Edgars Rinkevics roja Sêşemê got, rêberên alîyên rojhilatê NATOyê dê jibo piştgirîya Ukraynayê xwedî nêzîkatiyek hevrêztir bin piştî ku serokê Macaristanê ji lûtkeya wan li Rîga dûr ma.
Wezîrê Derve yê Macarîstanê Sijarto li St.3 month ago
Wezîrê Derve yê Macarîstanê Sijarto li St.
3 month ago
Berdevkê Kremlin dibêje Kremlin bi daxuyaniya serokwezîrê Macaristanê Orban re ku dibêje Ewropa bi Rûsyayê re tê kişandina şer
3 month ago
Serokwezîrê Macarîstanê: Ewropa dikeve qonaxa amadekariya şerê bi Rûsyayê re
3 month ago
Orban says Hungary wants to "redefine" its role in NATO
Donald Tusk: Îro bi dehan bombe û roket li herêma Lviv ketin. Yek ji wan 15 km dûrî sînorê me ye. Di vê demê de, Morawiecki bi siyasetmedarên alîgirê Putin yên rastgirên tund li Budapestê re stratejiyek hevpar a dij-ewropî saz dike.
5 month ago
Ofîsa Serokomariyê ragihand ku Serokê Ofîsa Serokomarê Ukraynayê Andriy Yermak û Wezîrê Karên Derve yê Macarîstanê Péter Szijártó amadekariya hevdîtina Zelenskyi û Orban dikin.
5 month ago
Tens of thousands of Hungarians, led by former gov insider Péter Magyar, protested against Orbán's leadership today
Thousands gathered near Prosecutor General's office in Budapest Tuesday evening at the call of Péter Magyar. We won't allow the biggest legal and political scandal of the last thirty years to be hushed up, he said in his speech. Photo: Lujza Hevesi-Szabó / Telex5 month ago
Thousands gathered near Prosecutor General's office in Budapest Tuesday evening at the call of Péter Magyar. "We won't allow the biggest legal and political scandal of the last thirty years to be hushed up," he said in his speech. Photo: Lujza Hevesi-Szabó / Telex
After meeting Alexei Likhachev, the head of Russian nuclear energy company Rosatom, in Sochi, FM Péter Szijjártó said the upgrade of Hungary's nuclear power plant in Paks will stand as a "long-term guarantee" of Hungary's competitiveness
5 month ago
Wezîrê Karên Derve yê Macaristanê Peter Szijjártó serdana Rûsyayê dike, li wir ew ê beşdarî Foruma Atomexpo bibe.
6 month ago
European Parliament to sue EU-Commission over released funds for Hungary. (Vote in Legal Affairs Committee: 16 /1-). Response to Von der Leyen unlocking 10bn for Orban in exchange for his veto
6 month ago
Hungary will oppose Mark Rutte’s NATO candidacy, foreign minister says
6 month ago
Berdevkê Kremlînê dibêje tirsa Serokwezîrê Macaristanê Orban ji sînorê hevbeş bi Rûsyayê re bêbingeh e.
6 month ago
Macarîstan daxwaznameya Swêdê ya NATOyê erê kir
"We don't agree on everything," Swedish PM Kristersson says, standing next to his Hungarian counterpart, but he says Sweden and Hungary have agreed on deepening cooperation as they will "soon be allies." Stockholm expects parliamentary/govt approval Monday for NATO accession
Iran and Hungary foreign ministers are now meeting in Tehran
7 month ago
Hungary to vote on Swedish NATO bid on Monday, says ruling party— AFP
7 month ago
Wezîrê Derve yê Macaristanê: Yekîtiya Ewropa stratejiya xwe ya xelet bi pejirandina pakêtek nû ya toleyan li dijî Rûsyayê didomîne
More than 50,000 people at a major protest against the Hungarian govt, organised by content creators and artists in Budapest this evening, following the child-abuse pardon scandal that led to President Katalin Novák's resignation7 month ago
More than 50,000 people at a major protest against the Hungarian govt, organised by content creators and artists in Budapest this evening, following the child-abuse pardon scandal that led to President Katalin Novák's resignation
7 month ago
Rally at Budapest, Heroes' Square, now
Orbán has broken his silence. “The government is working.”7 month ago
Orbán has broken his silence. “The government is working.”
7 month ago
Péter Magyar, Judit Varga's ex-husband and until recently a government insider, is giving a dramatic live interview, with over 31,000 people watching. He's focusing his critique on Antal Rogán, a powerful minister some see as an éminence grise
7 month ago
Katalin Novák, the Hungarian president, has resigned. And Judit Varga, who was supposed to lead the Fidesz list in the European election, is leaving public life
7 month ago
Hungarian President Katalin Novák has resigned under pressure over a sex-abuse case. Novak announced her resignation on Saturday after coming under mounting pressure for pardoning a man convicted as an accomplice for helping cover up a sex abuse case in a children’s home.
Hundreds of people in Hungary protest against President Katalin Novak's pardon of a man accused of covering up a child abuse case7 month ago
Hundreds of people in Hungary protest against President Katalin Novak's pardon of a man accused of covering up a child abuse case