9 Septembre 2024
11 mois il y a
.@Vucic discusses investment potential, cooperation with @PM_ViktorOrban, AlNahyan
11 mois il y a
Hungary blocked EU statement which condemns the military operation by Azerbaijan
Hungary's government has essentially canceled all major infrastructure developments for Budapest and its metro area, including important railway projects, many co-funded by the EU. The move is seen as a retaliation partly against the opposition-controlled capital, led by 
, partly against Western-minded former state secretary for transportation 
. Vitézy has been openly speaking out against the current government's transportation and development policies.1 année il y a
Hungary's government has essentially canceled all major infrastructure developments for Budapest and its metro area, including important railway projects, many co-funded by the EU. The move is seen as a retaliation partly against the opposition-controlled capital, led by @bpkaracsonyg , partly against Western-minded former state secretary for transportation @vitdavid . Vitézy has been openly speaking out against the current government's transportation and development policies.
La présidente hongroise Katalin Novak est arrivée en visite de travail en Transcarpatie
1 année il y a
Les ambassadeurs auprès de l'UE ont également prolongé de 6 mois les interdictions de visa et les gels d'avoirs de 1 800 personnes/entités qui ont porté atteinte à l'intégrité territoriale de l'Ukraine. La Hongrie a réussi à supprimer trois noms mineurs mais voulait en supprimer jusqu'à 9 au départ
1 année il y a
Hungary will find the legal and political way not to implement the EU’s decisions on migration, and it will not acccept the mandatory qoutas either, Hungarian PM Orban said in Vienna, after meeting Austrian Chancellor Nehammer and Serbian President Vucic
1 année il y a
Hungary's parliament postponed ratifying Sweden's NATO accession bid on Wednesday to its autumn legislative session, AP reports
Orban: Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has just informed me that in accordance with the request made at our meeting last week, the Serbian authorities will soon release the three previously arrested Kosovo policemen from custody. We highly appreciate the step of President @avucic, which he took in a period of serious challenges, and which decision is a clear proof of the strategic cooperation between our countries, and our mutual commitment to the peace and stability of the Balkans
L'Ukraine a pu faire sortir trois prisonniers de guerre ukrainiens de Hongrie
1 année il y a
Le ministre hongrois des Affaires étrangères Szijjarto est arrivé à Moscou et prévoit de discuter de la coopération énergétique avec Novak et Likhachev
1 année il y a
Hungarian parliament approves Finland's Nato membership
FM @Haavisto: Good meeting with FM Szijjarto in Brussels. He confirmed that Hungary will approve Finland's NATO bid on 27 March. Thanked him for regular discussions throughout the process1 année il y a
FM @Haavisto: Good meeting with FM Szijjarto in Brussels. He confirmed that Hungary will approve Finland's NATO bid on 27 March. Thanked him for regular discussions throughout the process
1 année il y a
Finland's Foreign Minister Haavisto announced in Ankara today that he plans to meet his Hungarian counterpart Peter Szijjarto in Brussels at the next FAC on 20.3
1 année il y a
.@Europarl_EN adopted a resolution on Belarus on Wednesday, which – among others – states that the EP deplores the February trip to Minsk by Hungarian MFA Péter Szijjártó. The EP stresses the importance of "diplomatic isolation of the current government"
1 année il y a
Emmanuel Macron reçoit Victor Orban à l'Élysée pour évoquer "l'unité" face à Moscou
1 année il y a
The Hungarian government has been postponing the vote for over six months. Both Orbán and the President have asked the MPs to approve the accession, but some MP's need more convincing
Le ministre hongrois des Affaires étrangères Peter Szijjarto se rend en Biélorussie1 année il y a
Le ministre hongrois des Affaires étrangères Peter Szijjarto se rend en Biélorussie
1 année il y a
Le ministère ukrainien des Affaires étrangères convoquera l'ambassadeur de Hongrie après que le Premier ministre hongrois Viktor Orban a qualifié l'Ukraine de no man's land et l'a comparée à l'Afghanistan, a déclaré le porte-parole du ministère ukrainien des Affaires étrangères, Oleh Nikolenko.
Hungarian govt announces end of cap price on fuel in Hungary from tonight. Minister blames Brussels and EU cap on oil prices. Fixed price was 480 HUF/liter (1.16 euro) since Nov. 1, 2021. Market price will be 40/50% higher and will further boost inflation1 année il y a
Hungarian govt announces end of cap price on fuel in Hungary from tonight. Minister blames Brussels and EU cap on oil prices. Fixed price was 480 HUF/liter (1.16 euro) since Nov. 1, 2021. Market price will be 40/50% higher and will further boost inflation
1 année il y a
Orban: Hungary remains against the global minimum tax
1 année il y a
Hungary will seek to 'convince' EU commission not to suspend funds over rule of law concerns: govt
1 année il y a
Le ministère ukrainien des Affaires étrangères a convoqué l'ambassadeur de Hongrie pour protester contre le foulard Orban montrant une partie de l'Ukraine comme territoire hongrois
Helsinki : le Premier ministre finlandais @MarinSanna déclare que les actions de la Russie en Ukraine ne resteront pas impunies. Viktor Orban pour la ratification rapide1 année il y a
Helsinki : le Premier ministre finlandais @MarinSanna déclare que les actions de la Russie en Ukraine "ne resteront pas impunies". Viktor Orban pour la ratification rapide"
1 année il y a
Hongrie MOL dit avoir reçu une notification de l'Ukraine selon laquelle la centrale électrique près du pipeline de Druzhba en Ukraine près de la frontière biélorusse a été touchée par une roquette russe
1 année il y a
Hongrie MOL dit avoir été informé par l'Ukraine que l'approvisionnement en pétrole de la Hongrie, de la Slovaquie et de la République tchèque via l'oléoduc Druzhba a été temporairement suspendu - déclaration par courrier électronique
1 année il y a
En réponse à l'arrêt du transfert de pétrole via l'oléoduc Druzhba et le missile frappant le territoire polonais, @PM_ViktorOrban a convoqué le Conseil de défense hongrois à 20 heures.
1 année il y a
Hungarian Foreign minister Szijjártó said he clashed with Lithianian, German and Luxembourgish FM's in Brussels as the Lithianian FM @GLandsbergis accused him of spreading Russian narratives when opposing EU sanctions. "I asked my colleagues not to spread lies" - Szijjártó said
1 année il y a
Turkey and Hungary's defence ministers on Monday initialled an agreement on establishing the legal conditions for future military cooperation
Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs visiting Moscow. We want an immediate ceasefire and peace negotiations, and provide Hungary with energy supplies not only for this winter, but also for the coming years, he wrote. Photo Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs1 année il y a
Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs visiting Moscow. "We want an immediate ceasefire and peace negotiations, and provide Hungary with energy supplies not only for this winter, but also for the coming years," he wrote. Photo Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
1 année il y a
Viktor Orbán's MPs voted NO on the opposition's proposal to hold a parliamentary vote on the Finland and SwedenSweden NATO accession tomorrow