The European Commission has decided to boycott Hungary's EU Council presidency in response to Viktor Orbán’s controversial trips to Moscow and Beijing
The German Foreign Ministry on Hungary's rotating presidency of the European Union: Hungary caused great damage during only 12 days of its presidency of the Union
Trump will meet with Hungary's Viktor Orban in Florida on Thursday, per sources
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's new alliance of far-right parties, the Patriots for Europe, has been formally founded as a political group in the European Parliament, representatives say
奥尔班 我已结束与普京总统在莫斯科的会谈。我的目标是打开直接沟通渠道,开启通往和平的最短道路对话。任务完成。周一继续
7 月 前The plane of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban landed at the airport in the Azerbaijani city of Fizuli. In Azerbaijan, he will take part in the informal Summit of the heads of countries participating in the Organization of Turkic States
7 月 前普京在与匈牙利会晤后表示,乌克兰总理奥尔班呼吁乌克兰军队从顿巴斯、扎波罗热和赫尔松撤军,这是结束冲突的条件之一
7 月 前北约秘书长斯托尔滕贝格表示,奥尔班在访问莫斯科之前已通知他,并强调匈牙利总理绝不代表北约。他期待奥尔班就与普京的会晤发表讲话
冯德莱恩:匈牙利人@PM_ViktorOrban 正在访问莫斯科:绥靖政策无法阻止普京。只有团结和决心才能为乌克兰全面、公正和持久的和平铺平道路
Important updates@FT, @RFERL confirmed scoop that PM Orbán plans to meet Putin on FridayEU diplomats are shocked as neither EU bodies nor member state MFAs have been informed. @HU24EU intentionally kept the trip in secret and deceived journalists.
The situation in Hungary deteriorated so much this week with moves against Transparency International Hungary and investigative outlet Átlátszó that US Ambassador Pressman warned today: "As it assumes its EU Council presidency, Hungary's actions make 2024 feel more like 1984."
Viktor Orbán on the 216 million EUR fine issued by @EUCourtPress for not following asylum laws: this judgement has been delivered by the court of George Soros” He also promised to find a way how to find a solution that would “hurt them more than it hurts us.”
欧盟最高法院表示,匈牙利因未执行 2020 年裁决要求的移民政策必要措施,必须支付 2 亿欧元罚款,并且每天支付 100 万欧元罚款,直至全面实施这些措施
8 月 前北约秘书长斯托尔滕贝格向总理奥尔班再次确认,布达佩斯没有义务以任何方式参与保卫乌克兰。斯托尔滕贝格表示,奥尔班已同意不阻止其他 31 个国家。这是斯托尔滕贝格此行的主要目的
8 月 前匈牙利外长西雅尔托在圣彼得堡表示:现在应该就乌克兰问题进行和谈,匈牙利将参加瑞士和平峰会,匈牙利不会停止使用俄罗斯石油和天然气,西方不能禁止西雅尔托参加俄罗斯论坛
Orban says Hungary wants to "redefine" its role in NATO
唐纳德·图斯克:今天,数十枚炸弹和火箭弹落在利沃夫地区。其中一枚距离我们的边境 15 公里。目前,莫拉维茨基正在与布达佩斯的极右翼亲普京政客制定共同的反欧洲战略