5 أكتوبر 2024
7 الشهر منذ
Péter Magyar, Judit Varga's ex-husband and until recently a government insider, is giving a dramatic live interview, with over 31,000 people watching. He's focusing his critique on Antal Rogán, a powerful minister some see as an éminence grise
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Katalin Novák, the Hungarian president, has resigned. And Judit Varga, who was supposed to lead the Fidesz list in the European election, is leaving public life
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Hungarian President Katalin Novák has resigned under pressure over a sex-abuse case. Novak announced her resignation on Saturday after coming under mounting pressure for pardoning a man convicted as an accomplice for helping cover up a sex abuse case in a children’s home.
Hundreds of people in Hungary protest against President Katalin Novak's pardon of a man accused of covering up a child abuse case7 الشهر منذ
Hundreds of people in Hungary protest against President Katalin Novak's pardon of a man accused of covering up a child abuse case
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U.S. Ambassador to Hungary: Representatives of 16 NATO Allies attended today’s extraordinary session of Hungary’s Parliament to consider Sweden’s NATO accession. Not in attendance: a single member of Hungary’s ruling party
Orbán’s MPs didn’t show up in Hungary’s parliament to vote on’s NATO accession - no quorum, no vote8 الشهر منذ
Orbán’s MPs didn’t show up in Hungary’s parliament to vote on’s NATO accession - no quorum, no vote
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Pedophilia cover-up scandal hits Hungary, and the opposition is calling for the resignation of President @KatalinNovak_HU. This comes after revelations that she pardoned a pedophile’s accomplice who helped cover up his boss’ sexual abuse of children at an orphanage
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Orban: We made a compromise proposal. In return, we were blackmailed by Brussels. The Brussels blackmail manual was published in the @FT earlier this week. The cat is out of the bag. Forget about the rule of law, Hungary is blackmailed for having a it’s own opinion on migration, the war in Ukraine and genderpropaganda. We will defend our interests. Hungary cannot be blackmailed
وصل وزير خارجية المجر سيجارتو إلى أوزجورود للقاء وزير خارجية أوكرانيا كوليبا ورئيس مكتب الرئيس الأوكراني يرماك.8 الشهر منذ
وصل وزير خارجية المجر سيجارتو إلى أوزجورود للقاء وزير خارجية أوكرانيا كوليبا ورئيس مكتب الرئيس الأوكراني يرماك.
8 الشهر منذ
وضعت بروكسل خطة لتخريب الاقتصاد المجري إذا منع فيكتور أوربان حزمة مساعدات بقيمة 50 مليار يورو لأوكرانيا هذا الأسبوع، وفقًا لوثيقة داخلية سرية اطلعت عليها صحيفة فايننشال تايمز توضح نقاط الضعف الاقتصادية في بودابست وكيفية استغلالها.
8 الشهر منذ
Orbán’s number two and parliament speaker László Kövér says that he himself opposes Sweden’s NATO accession and hints that Fidesz MPs won’t support the opposition’s proposal for an extraordinary parliamentary session on the ratification
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أعطى سفراء الاتحاد الأوروبي ضوءًا أخضر جزئيًا اليوم لبدء المفاوضات مع البرلمان الأوروبي بشأن حزمة مساعدات بقيمة 50 مليار دولار لأوكرانيا. من المحتمل الحصول على الضوء الأخضر الكامل في قمة الاتحاد الأوروبي في الأول من فبراير. والمجر لم تعرقل ذلك حتى
MEP Petri Sarvamaa: Launched a historic petition, which, if successful, will allow Mr Orban to be deprived of the right to vote in the Council. This is decisively different from anything we have done so far regarding HU – the procedure foreseen in Article 7(2) TEU has never been initiated9 الشهر منذ
MEP Petri Sarvamaa: Launched a historic petition, which, if successful, will allow Mr Orban to be deprived of the right to vote in the Council. This is decisively different from anything we have done so far regarding HU – the procedure foreseen in Article 7(2) TEU has never been initiated
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Szijarto: Hungary vetoes Sofia's entry into Schengen unless it abolishes the gas transit tax
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يشرح رئيس الوزراء @PM_ViktorOrban منعه تقديم المساعدات لأوكرانيا: "الوضع في أوكرانيا سيء. لذا لا ينبغي لنا إرسال المزيد من الأموال لتمويل الحرب، بل يجب علينا إنهاء الحرب والتوصل إلى وقف لإطلاق النار وإجراء محادثات سلام".
9 الشهر منذ
المجر تحجب 50 مليار يورو من أموال ميزانية الاتحاد الأوروبي لأوكرانيا بعد ساعات من التوصل إلى اتفاق لبدء محادثات العضوية
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رئيس الوزراء الهنغاري: انضمام أوكرانيا إلى الاتحاد الأوروبي يتعارض مع مصالحنا
Hungary's government interfered with Slovakia's election campaign, @RFERL Hungary's @kelleralant found. Just like in Poland, Orbán's cabinet office paid for an online anti-migrant ad targeting Slovakia – when it was already election silence there10 الشهر منذ
Hungary's government interfered with Slovakia's election campaign, @RFERL Hungary's @kelleralant found. Just like in Poland, Orbán's cabinet office paid for an online anti-migrant ad targeting Slovakia – when it was already election silence there
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On Monday, @eucopresident @CharlesMichel will be travelling to Hungary for a bilateral meeting with @PM_ViktorOrban in preparation of the European Council
Secretary General @jensstoltenberg will meet with Hungary's President @KatalinNovak_HU at NATO HQ on 8 November 17:30 (CET) Joint press conference
After three people were killed in armed clashes between people-smugglers, Serbian and Hungarian police agreed to work together in the Serbia-Hungary border area to tackle the criminal gangs involved11 الشهر منذ
After three people were killed in armed clashes between people-smugglers, Serbian and Hungarian police agreed to work together in the Serbia-Hungary border area to tackle the criminal gangs involved
11 الشهر منذ
رئيس وزراء هنغاريا: استراتيجية الاتحاد الأوروبي بشأن أوكرانيا "فشلت"
Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto arrived in Belarus on board the Hungarian Dassault Falcon 7X government business jet, which landed at Minsk National Airport at 08:18 today. He will participate in the international conference “Eurasian security: reality and prospects in a transforming world.”11 الشهر منذ
Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto arrived in Belarus on board the Hungarian Dassault Falcon 7X government business jet, which landed at Minsk National Airport at 08:18 today. He will participate in the international conference “Eurasian security: reality and prospects in a transforming world.”
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Sweden PM says he doesn't set any dates for his country's NATO entry and that he got assurances that Hungary won't delay the process
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Hungarians protested in front of Russian embassy
U.S. Embassy in Budapest: The official statement by the Hungarian government spokesperson about @USAmbHungary is simply false. While they & their media apparatus spent the days after the PM’s meeting with Putin crafting falsehoods, we were consulting with Allies about Hungary’s relationship with Russia11 الشهر منذ
U.S. Embassy in Budapest: The official statement by the Hungarian government spokesperson about @USAmbHungary is simply false. While they & their media apparatus spent the days after the PM’s meeting with Putin crafting falsehoods, we were consulting with Allies about Hungary’s relationship with Russia
11 الشهر منذ
Hungary’s NATO allies, represented by their ambassadors to Budapest, just had an extraordinary meeting at the US Embassy. They discussed security concerns over PM Orbán’s shocking bilateral talks with Putin in Beijing
@PM_ViktorOrban held bilateral talks with Russian President Putin in Beijing. The two leaders discussed Hungarian-Russian cooperation in the fields of gas and oil supplies and nuclear energy. During the meeting, PM Orbán stressed the importance of peace. He said that it was crucial for the whole continent, including Hungary, that the flood of refugees, sanctions and fighting should end11 الشهر منذ
@PM_ViktorOrban held bilateral talks with Russian President Putin in Beijing. The two leaders discussed Hungarian-Russian cooperation in the fields of gas and oil supplies and nuclear energy. During the meeting, PM Orbán stressed the importance of peace. He said that it was crucial for the whole continent, including Hungary, that the flood of refugees, sanctions and fighting should end
Hungary's Foreign Minister in Moscow, Russia, and Orban in Tbilisi, Georgia11 الشهر منذ
Hungary's Foreign Minister in Moscow, Russia, and Orban in Tbilisi, Georgia
Dodik: Hungary ready to take over projects in RS that Germany cancelled